Calendar of Events
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All events must be public.  Private parties or exclusive events are not permitted.  Enter time(s) under Description or Location - your choice.
TishBiz is not responsible for the accuracy of any information within event listings as this data is input by users and only checked for spelling or flagged for inappropriate content.  Listings categories which may be prohibited are discussed here.
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Event Title:
Event description, schedule:
Time, location & directions:
Add contact, phone number or email address here if public needs additional info.
Lister contact info - required for verification or changes.
Your name (not displayed):
Phone: (format 123-456-7890)
enter a 4 digit passcode and keep for verification when requesting a modification or removal
Phone & email that will display on event listing - not required:
Phone:  (format 123-456-7890)
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LIABIILITY & EXCEPTONS: or any of its principles and associates cannot be held responsible for any harm incurred by inaccuracies or the misuse of any information on this site.  We will do our best to keep information accurate, but this is a free service to the public and we are only gathering our information from public input and public resources. maintains the option to refuse to promote events that are found to be either in direct violation of the law or are involved in controversial industries including but not limited to:  the distribution of dangerous materials; the sales of firearms or munitions; tobacco and eCigarette merchandise; non-regulated health services or products; exotic animal sales or puppy mills; and materials which include or perpetuate harmful or hateful media or speech.  We realize this can be a gray area, but subjective decisions must be made that err to the safety and welfare of the community.