TishBiz.com     TishBusiness.com
List YOUR biz now!  It's FREE and it only takes a minute with the online form.  Spread the word.  As more businesses participate, the more useful these listings become!
Got internet?
Get on the List
PLEASE READ: All information is required but the contact name and passcode are not published.  Allow up to 48 hours to see submissions online as they are checked for spam and improper content.  You may sign up for multiple categories if applicable.  Please do not use ALL CAPS or bold text.  Do not use line (carriage) returns as text needs to wrap continuously.  You may use a Facebook page in lieu of a website.  More tips can be found  below  such as the use of key words in the biz description.  Listings categories which may be prohibited are discussed here.
Business category - click for the list:
Your name:
Business name:
Describe your service or products:
Phone:  (format 123-456-7890)
Email:  (required or see HERE)
enter a 4 digit passcode and keep for verification when requesting a modification or removal
Have a website?  - check box only if YES
IMPORTANT:  Go to your website/page in a new tab and copy the complete address as shown in the address bar.  For example this page would be https://www.tishbusiness.com/list_biz.php  Once copied, paste into the box below.  Your link must include http:// or https:// as shown.  Use the contact form to notify us of any errors & we’ll fix it.
Location or address, directions, hours:
Are you human?
or robot?
Wrong Answer
If the form fails to work on your device, please send an email to:
Tips for filling out the biz list form:
Using simple keywords will help in a search for your biz or service.  Examples: auto body repair, boat upholstery, real estate attorney, clarinet lessons, house painter, school supplies, etc.  It's wise to first type your info into a simple text editor, then copy and paste into the form.  Once you click Submit, you can only request changes or a deletion using the contact form.  You can also submit a new listing and use the contact form to request deletion of the older listing.
If you have a Website or social media page, type that full web address (URL) into the space provided.  This must include the http:// or https://  The easiest way to make sure you have it correctly is to open a new tab in your browser and go to that website or page.  Copy the URL (web address)  that is in the address bar of the browser and then return to the form.  Paste that address into the website block on the form.  Use the contact form to notify us of any errors & we’ll fix it.
Want an inexpensive single page of content for your website link?  CHECK IT OUT
We require an email address to enable us to contact you in case of an error.  If you don't have an email address already, it's easy to get a free one at Google.com by clicking on Gmail in the upper right and following the directions.
There is a limit of 30 characters for your Business Name.  By restricting the business name to one line of text, we keep all listers on an even visual playing field. You may have to shorten your usual name for it to fit, but you can always put any name clarification into the Description box which will be discovered when searching.  Please do not use ALL CAPS for any part of your listing.
Pick the category(s) that best fit your product or service.
Chainsaw or Lawnmower Sales
should go under
with an additional listing under
if maintenance or repair is done.
Flower Shops could go under
with an additional listing under
Dance Studio or Music Lessons
should go under
Gift Shops, Thrift & Department stores should go under
with an additional listing under
if applicable.
Elder Care & Assisted Living
should go under
Guitar Player or other Performer should go under
LIABIILITY & EXCEPTONS:  TishBiz.com or any of its principles and associates cannot be held responsible for any harm incurred by inaccuracies or the misuse of any information on this site.  We will do our best to keep information accurate, but this is a free service to the public and we are only gathering our information from public input and public resources.  TishBiz.com maintains the option to refuse to list businesses or services that are found to be either in direct violation of the law or are involved in controversial industries including but not limited to:  the distribution of dangerous materials; the sales of firearms or munitions; tobacco and eCigarette merchandise; non-regulated health services or products; exotic animal sales or puppy mills; and materials which include or perpetuate harmful or hateful media or speech.  We realize this can be a gray area, but subjective decisions must be made that err to the safety and welfare of the community.